Flutter Widget Guide — Index
Hey. I created this series for flutter developers out there who wish to explore a widget with an example. All the articles follow the same pattern — A problem statement followed by a detailed description of the widget along with an example.
All the articles have a Git snippet and a Gif to help visualize the example used to explain the usecase of a widget.
Click here to ⏬ the App available on Google Play Store. 📱
Have a look at this GitHub project to explore all the amazing widgets.
Here is a list of all the articles in this series.
1. SafeArea Widget
2. Expanded Widget
3. Wrap Widget
4. AnimatedContainer Widget
5. Opacity Widget
6. FutureBuilder Widget
7. FadeTransition Widget
8. FAB Widget
9. PageView Widget
10. Table Widget
11. SliverAppBar Widget
12. SliverList Widget
13. SliverGrid Widget
14. FadeInImage Widget
15. StreamBuilder Widget
16. InheritedModel Widget
17. Hero Widget
18. ListWheelScrollView
19. ShaderMask